Artisan products

Check out this video, showing construction of our bike lathes and featuring our lead mallet turner, Juan Vigil.

GreenWood artisans have developed a diversified catalog of more than 25 furniture products, turned wooden pens and other accessories, which are sold to local markets—often by the artisans themselves.

Over the years, we have trained artisans to build boats, rustic fencing and carved bowls. The largest volume of sales and income for GreenWood producers has been generated through the export of mahogany guitar parts and the local sale of high-quality, graded lumber.

Building on our installation of two bicycle-powered lathes in Honduras, in 2019 we launched the production of high-quality, turned carving mallets. A key aspect of these mallets is their use of an assortment of lesser-known species, introducing “new” woods to the market and adding greater value to secondary forests.

GreenWood artisans create a wide range of products, including Windsor chairs, stools, bowls, boats, guitar wood, ship’s knees, wooden pens and mallets






Guitar parts

Ship’s knees

Wooden pens

Ship’s knees

 Wooden pens

Where to buy our products

GreenWood carving mallets may be purchased from Lee Valley Tools. We do not currently sell any furniture or other accessories online or by direct mail. However, a range of our furniture is available from our colleagues, Fundación Madera Verde in Honduras, and we are developing North American sales outlets for these and other high-quality wood products made by artisans from well managed forests.

Let us know if you’re interested in anything you see on our site—or if you have an idea for a new product we might not have considered.

Robin Lee introduces GreenWood mallets